2016-01-20 47449
The process when somebody's heart flowers gives me great joy. Or when they develop a fundamental insight it gives me great joy. But what gives me tremendous joy is when relationship between parents and children are set right. Because when that happens to me it's an assurance, a guarantee, that that family is going to become enlightened. 人们内心开悟的过程让我无比喜悦,或是当大家有了内在的洞见也让我无比喜悦。但是什么让我拥有极乐心情呢?那是当家庭关系顺畅时。在那样的情况下,我有了保障,那么家庭也将会走向开悟。 That is the key. It's a very challenging thing. If that is set right everything would fall into place, their financial problems will get resolved, their health problems will get resolved. 这很是关键。也是一件极具挑战性的事情。如果关系理顺了,那么一切都将步入正轨,经济问题将得到解决,健康问题也会得到解决。 So it's a solution to their problems. Plus, whenever every family, any single family makes it, the effect, the ripple effect would be on a 100,000 people. So much benefit occurs to mankind. 理顺家庭关系是解决问题的途径。无论什么时候,一个家庭能够做到的话,那么将影响100000人,这对人类来说是非常有益的。 We could prevent drought. We could prevent floods. We could prevent war. We could do so much if families as a whole could make it. 如果一个家庭作为一个整体能做到关系理顺, 会阻止干旱、洪水、战争等非常多事情的发生。 That is why whenever relationship is set right—because one strange thing is, when a relationship is set right, the heart sends different signals to the brain. The brain is like a transmitting station. It transmits certain messages, certain thoughts, certain feelings into the thought sphere from which we absorb it back. 这是为什么要理顺关系了。当一个关系理顺之后,我们的心向大脑传送不同的信号,大脑像一个发射站一样,之后,大脑会发射特定的信息、特定的思想、特定的情感到思想体系中(我们也从这个体系中吸收能量)。 So 100,000 people would be affected if a family is set right, which means we are affecting global consciousness. 所以一个家庭理顺了,100000人将会受益,也就是说那是在影响着人类的集体意识。 To me the whole globe is like a family. So when something is happening here and everybody is getting benefited, it gives tremendous joy. That's why I'm so focused on the family. 对我来说,整个世界就像是一个家庭。所以在这里发生的一些事情,任何一个人都会受益。这也是我为什么这么注重家庭的原因。
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