宋联可:How do the Chinese perceive  harmonious corporate
2016-01-20 135538
客户:中国、日本、泰国三国学者 地点:江苏省 - 镇江 时间:2009/2/2 0:00:00 The Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China points out creating harmonious culture is an important task for building socialist harmonious society. Building harmonious culture needs all companies to create harmonious culture, because a company is a basic social unit. Henceforth, many Chinese companies advocate building harmonious corporate culture. Scholars must study basic theories for harmonious corporate culture. This study tried to answer two questions: What is harmonious corporate culture in Chinese mind and how do different Chinese perceive harmonious corporate culture? Firstly, this paper analyzed background of harmonious corporate culture from Chinese traditional culture and era needs. Secondly, authors designed an open-ended questionnaire and sent them to employees in Jiangsu and Shanghai. 329 questionnaires were collected and 291 questionnaires were valid, representing a response rate of 88.45%. Thirdly, this study explored dimensions of harmonious corporate culture and identified different viewpoints from different group. Finally, this paper discussed the results and pointed out limitations of this study and future research. The results of this paper were on basis of defining, measuring, analyzing, and creating harmonious corporate culture.
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